
Prince of Peace Celebrates Carnaval Starting February 18th

Leading up to the very important season of Lent, POP is looking forward to celebrating...

Bell Let’s Talk Day For Mental Health Initiatives on January 29th – Wear Blue and White!

This year, Bell Let’s Talk Day is Wednesday, January 29th. On Bell Let’s Talk Day...

Wisdom Virtue Assembly and Spirit/School Colours Day February 28th

Our monthly virtue assembly /Spirit Day will be held on Friday, February 28th at 10:30...

Hot Lunch (Including Pizza) and Milk Orders Are Now On-Line!

Starting January, 2020, all hot lunches (including Pizza on Wednesdays) can conveniently be ordered through...

Spirit Days The Week Before Christmas Break

As we get ready for the holidays, students are invited to show their Christmas and...

The POP Luke 4:18 Committee Invites Your Participation in Our Jesse Tree and Food Drive

Dear Parents/Guardians: Our school is holding a Christmas charity drive for the Rose of Sharon...