EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments

During the Week of June 8th to 15th, 2022, students in grades 3 and 6 will be participating in the provincial Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary Division (Grades 1–3). This assessment is administered to all Grade 3 and 6 students in Ontario’s publicly funded school system by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), an independent agency of the Government of Ontario. This assessment includes a language and mathematics component, along with a student questionnaire and an introductory session that includes a sample test for students. The purpose of the introductory session is to familiarize students with the e-assessment platform and the types of assessment questions. During the assessment, students will complete four language sessions that range from 15 to 35 minutes each, and four mathematics stages that each take about 30 minutes to complete. The administration of the stages and sessions may be spread out in the assessment window. EQAO assessment questions are directly based on the expectations set out in The Ontario Curriculum, which is what teachers teach in the classroom every day. Therefore, your child does not need to prepare in any special way. Students will complete the assessment in their regular classrooms with their current teachers, and are simply encouraged to do their best and show what they know. In the fall, EQAO will share individual reports with us for all our students. Once we receive these reports, we will provide you with your child’s achievement on the assessment. Your child’s results are private and will give you an indication of their achievement in relation to Ontario’s provincial standard. The standard, or Level 3, represents the range from B– to B+. Meeting the standard means your child has a solid grasp of the required knowledge and skills, which is a good indication that they will be ready for Grade 4. The results of the assessment do not affect a child’s grades or report card in any way. They do, however, give parents and staff information about each child’s progress.