Category: General

Catholic Education Week – Igniting HOPE and Music Monday

The theme for Catholic Education Week this year is “Igniting Hope”, which is such a great theme for a very challenging year.  Throughout the week POP students will participate in a variety of hope-inspired activities and reflections.  Monday marked “Music Monday”, and our talented York Catholic elementary music teachers collaborated to sing a great song of hope, “Here Comes the Sun”. ... Continue reading "Catholic Education Week – Igniting HOPE and Music Monday"

Communicating During School Closure / Distance Learning

Just a reminder, if parents or guardians have a question or would like to discuss the instruction their child is receiving, the same process exists in the distance learning environment as during regular times. Parents should first contact their child’s teacher. This can be done via email through the Google Classroom.

If further discussion is needed, you can contact Michael Ball the school ... Continue reading "Communicating During School Closure / Distance Learning"

RE-SCHEDULED – POP Celebrates Black History with HOZA! Heart Wisdom March 10th

Prince of Peace CES is happy to welcome HOZA to our school to help us celebrate Black History Month and our February monthly virtue of wisdom.  Due to the snow day we have re-scheduled the visit to Tuesday, March 10th at 8:45 a.m., Students will actively participate in drumming, dancing, story telling and singing as they discover the meaning of HEART WISDOM, through explorations of ... Continue reading "RE-SCHEDULED – POP Celebrates Black History with HOZA! Heart Wisdom March 10th"

Helping Us Learn About Our Urban Wildlife – Animal Services Officer Visits POP on Tuesday, March 3rd

In response to the coyote and fox sightings a few weeks ago beyond our schoolyard fence, we will be having an animal services officer from York Region do a presentation in our gym for the students the morning of Tuesday, March 3rd 9:00 to 9:50 (K to 2) and 10:20 – 11:10 (3 to 6).

Wisdom Virtue Assembly – New Date Wednesday March 4th at 10:30 am

Ms. Cowley’s grade 3/4 class will be hosting our Wisdom Virtue Assembly for the month of February  in the POP gym.  Due to the Snow Day on February 28th, we have rescheduled this assembly for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th at 10:30 in the POP Gym.  Class virtue certificates will be awarded, and any positive office referrals from the month of February will be shared with the ... Continue reading "Wisdom Virtue Assembly – New Date Wednesday March 4th at 10:30 am"