Category: General

Thanks to All Who Participated in our Halloween Dance-a-thon Fundraiser

Our Dance-a-thon was a great deal of fun and a huge success!  Many thanks to the students and parents who did the fundraising, and the staff who donated all the prizes!  Special thanks to organizers Ms. Smith, Ms. Baldissera, and Ms. Glazier.  Thanks to everyone’s efforts, our school was able to raise over $6,500 for our Gym sound equipment!  Congratulations to Christian our top prize ... Continue reading "Thanks to All Who Participated in our Halloween Dance-a-thon Fundraiser"

Our Compassion Virtue Assembly and Spirit Day is Tuesday October 29th

On Tuesday, October 29th at 10:30, Prince of Peace Students will gather in the gym to celebrate the Catholic Virtue of Compassion.  Students from Ms. Bogdan’s and Ms. Masse/Ms. Radin’s Kindergarten classes will perform at the assembly to help us learn what it means to be compassionate.  We will also recognize students who have demonstrated compassion, and also those who received positive office referrals for ... Continue reading "Our Compassion Virtue Assembly and Spirit Day is Tuesday October 29th"

Hallowe’en Dance-A-Thon Update!

Students and staff are looking forward to a SPOOKTACULAR day on Thursday, October 31st! Thank you to all who supported this fundraiser for gymnasium sound equipment with your pledges. Note that we will still be accepting pledges up to and including MONDAY, OCTOBER 28th. Please click HERE to get updated details about the day, including times each class will be in the gym. ... Continue reading "Hallowe’en Dance-A-Thon Update!"

Prince of Peace Thanksgiving Liturgy

In our community, we have much to be thankful for!  Our Thanksgiving liturgy with Father Paul Hancko will be in the Prince of Peace gymnasium on Thursday, October 24th beginning at 10:30.  Parents and community are welcome to attend.

POP Hallowe’en Dance-a-thon Fundraiser!

On October 31st we are having a Halloween Dance-A-Thon. CLICK HERE to see a copy of the note sent home this week, explaining that each student is asked to raise funds for our school to use towards sound equipment for the stage as well as new resources for our classrooms. For every $20 raised, your child will get 1 ticket to place in ... Continue reading "POP Hallowe’en Dance-a-thon Fundraiser!"

POP Snowsuit/Snow Pants/Winter Coat Drive – Come “shop” on November 5th from 3 to 5 pm

Prince of Peace CES is gratefully accepting donations (coats, snowpants, snow suits) for our snowsuit drive until Monday, November 4th at the end of the day.  On November 5th, families are welcome to come after school to “SHOP for FREE GENTLY USED SNOWSUITS” to help your children and our students stay warm this winter season.  The intention is to help clothe any child ... Continue reading "POP Snowsuit/Snow Pants/Winter Coat Drive – Come “shop” on November 5th from 3 to 5 pm"