Category: General
Join us for this wintery family event with lots of activities for all ages!
- Cub Club brought to you by Healthy Kids Community Challenge
- Disney Princesses
Mrs. Garel’s POP Fitness Challenge
Dear Supporters of Catholic Education,
In November, the Ontario Liberal Party launched their “Common Ground” website:
This website invites the public to put forward proposals that address particular provincial needs and priorities. One of the current suggestions is a proposal for the amalgamation of ... Continue reading "BOARD NOTICE"
Cold Weather Attire
Cold weather is upon us, and it is important that students come to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Fresh air and exercise is critical for growing children, therefore we will be going out for all recesses, unless it is raining or the wind chill reaches our extreme weather policy. Please ensure that students come to school with their winter coat, hat, scarf, mitts, and ... Continue reading "Cold Weather Attire"