
FRESH FROM THE FARM Fundraiser – Ordered Items can be picked up on Wed. Nov. 20th

The Prince of Peace Catholic School Council is happy to announce the pick up date...

French Immersion Information Night for Parents of SK Students

French Immersion programs are designed to provide non-francophone children with a high degree of proficiency...

Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews

It is that time of year again!  Progress Reports go home with each student on...

Prince of Peace CES Welcomes Sutton Legion to our Remembrance Day Ceremony

On Friday, November 8th, at 1:15 pm, families and the community are invited to the...

Thanks to All Who Participated in our Halloween Dance-a-thon Fundraiser

Our Dance-a-thon was a great deal of fun and a huge success!  Many thanks to...

Our Compassion Virtue Assembly and Spirit Day is Tuesday October 29th

On Tuesday, October 29th at 10:30, Prince of Peace Students will gather in the gym...