Category: General

Shaking Off the Winter Blues with X-Dance – Family/Community Event February 20th

We at Prince of Peace are excited to welcome the X-Movement Team back to our school again this year, on Wednesday, February 19th and Thursday, February 20th.  This physical education program is free for every student in the school.  Over a series of movement and dance sessions, students will have the opportunity to experience connected movement and mindfulness in a celebration of diversity ... Continue reading "Shaking Off the Winter Blues with X-Dance – Family/Community Event February 20th"

February 25th Pink Shirt Day at Prince of Peace

On Tuesday, February 25th we will be encouraging staff and students to wear pink/ a pink t-shirt to mark our school’s commitment to stand up against bullying, and to encourage kindness and inclusiveness for all.   On Monday, students will be encouraged to write a kind or encouraging note that they think would be great to give someone or receive themselves and we will ... Continue reading "February 25th Pink Shirt Day at Prince of Peace"

Bell Let’s Talk Day For Mental Health Initiatives on January 29th – Wear Blue and White!

This year, Bell Let’s Talk Day is Wednesday, January 29th.

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, Bell Canada will donate towards mental health initiatives in Canada by contributing 5¢ for every text, call, tweet, and all social media posts using the hashtag:  #bellletstalk  You can help end the stigma around mental illness.  It’s easier than you think!

It’s a fact: One in five Canadians ... Continue reading "Bell Let’s Talk Day For Mental Health Initiatives on January 29th – Wear Blue and White!"

Wisdom Virtue Assembly and Spirit/School Colours Day February 28th

Our monthly virtue assembly /Spirit Day will be held on Friday, February 28th at 10:30 in the gym. Hosted by Ms. Cowley’s 3-4 class, we will be celebrating the virtue of Wisdom, distributing monthly virtue award winners, as well as recognizing the positive office referrals from the month of January. All assembly days are Spirit days, so students and staff are encouraged to wear school ... Continue reading "Wisdom Virtue Assembly and Spirit/School Colours Day February 28th"

Hot Lunch (Including Pizza) and Milk Orders Are Now On-Line!

Starting January, 2020, all hot lunches (including Pizza on Wednesdays) can conveniently be ordered through Lunchbox Orders.

• Visit to order.

• You must place your child’s order by Sunday at noon for each week’s orders. You can also bulk order a month or more at a time (similar to our pizza ordering in the past).

• In ... Continue reading "Hot Lunch (Including Pizza) and Milk Orders Are Now On-Line!"