Category: General
The POP Luke 4:18 Committee Invites Your Participation in Our Jesse Tree and Food Drive
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Our school is holding a Christmas charity drive for the Rose of Sharon and Sandgate Women’s Shelter. A letter (click HERE) has gone home with your youngest child. This holiday season, to help those in our community who are in need, our school will have a Jesse Tree in order to sponsor four families supported by the Rose of ... Continue reading "The POP Luke 4:18 Committee Invites Your Participation in Our Jesse Tree and Food Drive"
FRESH FROM THE FARM Fundraiser – Ordered Items can be picked up on Wed. Nov. 20th
The Prince of Peace Catholic School Council is happy to announce the pick up date for any orders from our autumn fundraiser that involved sales of Fresh From the Farm produce. The orders will be available for pick up in the school library on Wednesday, November 20th during school hours and until 6:00 p.m. The Council would like to thank all participating families for supporting ... Continue reading "FRESH FROM THE FARM Fundraiser – Ordered Items can be picked up on Wed. Nov. 20th"
French Immersion Information Night for Parents of SK Students
French Immersion programs are designed to provide non-francophone children with a high degree of proficiency in the French language. Here in Keswick, St. Thomas CES. offers an Early French Immersion program for students currently in SK to enroll in the fall in their grade one year. The September 2020 online application process for French Immersion will be open as of November 13th, 2019. ... Continue reading "French Immersion Information Night for Parents of SK Students"
Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews
It is that time of year again! Progress Reports go home with each student on Tuesday, November 12th. Parent-Teacher interviews are scheduled for the evening of Thursday, November 14th and the morning of Friday, November 15th. A note has gone home with the youngest child in each family to schedule teacher appointments and times to meet on these dates. The deadline for returning the forms ... Continue reading "Progress Reports and Parent-Teacher Interviews"
Prince of Peace CES Welcomes Sutton Legion to our Remembrance Day Ceremony
On Friday, November 8th, at 1:15 pm, families and the community are invited to the POP gymnasium for our Remembrance Day Ceremony with our guests, some veterans from the Sutton Legion. Our school is marking Remembrance Day on November 8th as our veterans are busy at Cenotaph ceremonies on the 11th, and we greatly value the experiences shared by our veterans when ... Continue reading "Prince of Peace CES Welcomes Sutton Legion to our Remembrance Day Ceremony"